Friday, October 23, 2015

Value Versus Price

I had an interesting conversation with someone recently about what value is.

Just because you spend money on something does not mean that item has value. In contrast, an item you get for free or low cost does not mean that that item has value. Price, money spent, does not equal an item's value.

Say for instance that you have money after a period of living hand to mouth. Should you retain the same miserly ways of being a cheapskate or should you step up and afford what you deserve? 

I am in no means telling people to gamble, live above their means, but if you can afford a new sofa, or dresser, or anything... why go to a social media arena to find something for free? Why do you believe you deserve someone's hand me downs? 

But it's environmentalism... no, it's not. It's value. How to you value yourself? If you bought and threw away items in a bid to out Jones someone else, then yeah, you have a consumerism problem. If you buy a couch that will last you the rest of your life, then why not buy the one that you want? 

Value is not what price something is. Value is what something means to you. Your individual expression is just as important as saving or spending money. What do you feel is the value in yourself and your surroundings?

When I was abandoned and my former family left me with their garbage, I was miserable. Nothing in my house was the expression of me. Only what people thought of me, which was depressing. After my life turned around and I could afford a sofa again, I bought what represented my taste and value. 

Believe me, I shopped for sales, bargains, and close outs. The price had to be conducive with my budget. There was no getting around that, but I still managed to make a home that is beautiful and unique. The value of my self expression is balance, happiness, and satisfaction. 

Could I have gotten free items from my area? Sure. I could have begged and pleaded, but at the end of the day my home would not be a reflection of me. It would represent someone else's pitty on me. A feeling I did not want after the turmoil I had been through with my former family. 

So if you are into only doing with what others are going to throw out, good luck to you. If you value only what others feel you deserve, then that is one way of never being criticized for your taste in sofas. If you want to be an individual, then buy that new sofa if it doesn't break the bank. I mean, how many sofas will you ever need in your life that would cause such guilt?

I sit on my sofa guilt free. 

What do you value in life?

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