I had an incident that happened to me recently. Or, should I say someone happened to me. An old college friend decided to give me some helpful advice called an insult. You know, the kind of advice that had nothing to do why you messaged them?
It is one thing if you go to a person and tell them a sob story needing some direction, which I did not do. Then there is another where a friend is trying to deflect any type of responsibility by making you look needy or depressing. The person blew my mind.
When I went to correct her complete bat shit crazy somehow I was the one who needed the counseling and with her newly attained counseling degree she had the resources to help me.
You know what I did: gave her the middle finger.
All I did was apprise her of a situation that I believed needed her immediate attention. A friend request from her late father in law. You read that right. I wanted the family to know that in addition to the original friend request to my social media account that in recent times I had gotten two more. Suspicious.
Instead of thanking me for being astute, she said that I was to be more careful about my friend requests and I should think on that for the future. WTF? It is a friend request from your hacked former father in law's estate. It is information you need to pass on to the estate.
It is not a cry for help.
I am beside myself. I wrote her a reply to smack her upside the head. That her response was full of college crap psychology rolled into rude, egotistical garbage.
Because me helping you is somehow taken on a whole new imaginary request for my nonexistent mental illness. I am the one who should get the counseling degree, obviously someone has not earned hers. I do have brain issues but degree please, I just maneuvered around and saw through so called graduate level: "advice."
Here is some real advice. When someone comes to you for help, advise away! But if that person is not coming to you for help, maybe, just maybe... you should listen instead of judge.
Or you will end up looking foolish.